More Movement Please

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Just want to give a shout out to the true awesomeness of the incredible human body!! I am constantly in awe of the way it works and also the way it moves. The thing is, though, it is definitely a case of use it or lose it when it comes to movement. It’s what we are meant to be doing –All day!


Movement is not something that should be checked off your to do list once you have completed an hour workout. It is what we should be doing in many different ways throughout the day. Yes, out rest is important but eight hours of sitting is not doing anyone any favours.


Sitting has in fact been labeled ‘the new smoking’, due to its impact on our health if done for too long too often. But why is a sedentary lifestyle unhealthy?


increase blood flow with correct alignment and regular movementOn a body level

Here at The Callanetics Studio, we promote a workout with a focus on alignment. This is something that we encourage (or is it nag?!) you to continue to practice even when you are not doing your Callanetics workout. Not only does this keep your muscles switched on and gently toning all day, it provides a freeway for blood flow, lymphatic drainage and the flow of your energy all around the body.


The more flow the better you feel

Blood flow is clearly an essential part of staying alive! But why just be alive when you can THRIVE? This is a case of many factors all working together. Eating a healthy, balanced diet made up of food (and nothing that isn’t) will give you the building blocks for great blood. The next step is getting that blood to flow through your entire body.

Bad habits of sitting for extended periods, slumping, slouching or loading your weight on your joints are often referred to as inevitable symptoms of ageing. Now of course you can’t attempt to correct alignment if you never even knew you were out of alignment! Rest assured, most people are out of alignment. Sandra and I were out of alignment before we began our journey to correct it. It’s also likely to be a work in progress for years. Don’t let that put you off! Getting back to the blood flow…if you are in alignment there will be no obstacles preventing blood flow around your entire body.


You WILL feel the difference this makes. In fact this is one thing that beginners of Callanetics feel after their first class. They report feeling their body waking up. Which is an important point! There is SO much we can do to reverse these ‘symptoms of ageing’ and it all starts with movement. Just keep moving!


On a mental level

Question: when you answer the phone do you begin to pace around your house? So do I! So do most people I ask. Our bodies have an innate knowledge that movement stimulates our creativity and allows our ideas to…wait for it…FLOW!


I have read about some progressive work places that recognize that if their workers have more movement they become more efficient and better at their jobs. Standing workstations and walking meetings are some of the little changes that make a big difference to what could have been yet another sedentary day at work.


We stand for high movement lifestyles

We’re here to tell it to you straight. More movement daily will bring you a better quality of life. How? Think about how it will be when you can easily play with your grandchildren. Think about how great it will be when you can wake up and not feel like a wooden post. How empowering is it that you can still reach the top shelf and walk without shuffling. This is not to say that you have to workout every single day, far from it. It’s all about simply moving more and in different ways while being mindful of your alignment.


TIPS: need some movement inspiration? Could you walk to the shop or park further away? Can you use a push mower instead of a ride on? Vacuum every get more movement with a fun dance aroundsingle day! Can you raise your computer up so that you can stand while you do any computer work? Can you have an evening disco with your family to shake off the days stress and just be silly together?…


Let me know in the comments below ways that you are going to bring more movement to your daily life, knowing it will extend your life!!





About the Author:

Co-founder of The Callanetics Studio and certified Callanetics Instructor. Owner and operator of Tamborine Mountain Callanetics Exercise Studio in Australia's South East Queensland.
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