The Behind Sculpting Exercise You Can Do Anywhere

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Yes, I said anywhere! This little exercise is almost invisible to onlookers, needs no equipment and you can do it in a queue.


This will tone the muscles in the inner thighs, outer thighs and your behind.

So here it is!


Free Standing Behind and Thigh Sculptor


Stand with your feet together.


Turn your right foot out to a comfortable angle and allow the right knee to soften and bend slightly. You will look like you are just ‘standing around.’ At this point make sure you are still lifting up off the standing hip by lengthening the left heel into the floor as you draw long through the spine and out of the crown.


Now begin to pulse your right heel into the left heel. This will be an invisible press, release, press, release … (The heels will be constantly touching.)


Can you feel your behind fire up? You will feel this working anywhere from the inner thigh, around the behind and through to the outer thigh.


TIP: think about pulsing the heel specifically, rather than the knee as this will fire up more of the leg you are working. Another thing you can try is pulsing in a slightly different direction; you can pulse the right heel directly into the left, or in a more backwards direction, keeping the heels together at all times. Notice how it changes the sensation in the behind.


You can work up to how ever many you have time for in each situation, but 75 pulses is a good amount to work up to if you are not out and about. It goes without saying, but you’ll need to do the other side too!


Of course, remember the first Callanetics foundation principle of No Pain. If you experience any pain in the knees or hips, simply stop the exercise. If you’d like more pointers you can head over to The Café  (our forum) with your question.


I would love to hear about the places you find yourself in where this exercise can be used! Let me know in the comments.


Stay Peachy,

Adelaide x



About the Author:

Co-founder of The Callanetics Studio and certified Callanetics Instructor. Owner and operator of Tamborine Mountain Callanetics Exercise Studio in Australia's South East Queensland.
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  1. Janet  July 12, 2014

    Wow! What a simple yet powerful exercise. Thanks, Adelaide. I’m a teacher and I do a lot of standing during a typical day–I will get in the habit of doing this invisible move.

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