Heading in the right direction

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As with your whole body’s alignment, the position of your head can work for you or against you…


The many benefits of an aligned head

Exciting news! Aligning your head can prevent and reverse a double chin! The muscles of your neck will fall slack if the head is constantly jutting forward. This is how a double chin can creep up on you. It’s another example of something often attributed to being an inevitable part of the ageing process that is actually ...

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How to tone your waist with correct shoulder alignment

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Yes! There is something you can do that will not only tone your waist more throughout the whole day, but help to reduce tension and stress. It’s all in the alignment of your shoulder blades.


Our bodies respond to stress every single day. This is generally manifested as a tightening of muscles. There are some of us who are will always hold tension in the shoulders, specifically in the trapezius muscles right across the top of the shoulder. The result is ...

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