I have some exciting news!

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The last two months have been turbulent. Well, that may bit a little dramatic but for anyone who has been through the same thing will understand.


Here’s what happened… In August I was sick with a bad flu. Even when I was better it took another three weeks to recover fully and regain normal energy. The point is, I didn’t workout out in any way shape or form for the whole month. For me this is not the norm.


Usually I get ...

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An arm workout you can do right now!

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Feel the deep work of a Callanetics workout with this simple arm toning exercise.


Have you ever been given the advice “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”? There’s nothing wrong with healthy skepticism, I mean, none of us wants to be taken for a fool. We hear this type of thing a lot…

“When I first saw The Callanetics Studio I remember thinking ‘yeah right!’ The promises of not only amazing results but in record time seemed ...

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Feeling a bit Blah? Get your Zest back!

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It’s a fact that life is not always smooth sailing and does not always go to plan. There’s nothing to be done about that, but what we can do is learn to work around it. When it comes to exercise, it’s a case of not only having to have the time but the energy to get stuck into a workout. The good news is that even when we ‘drop the ball’ we can always get our zest back!


Last month for ...

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Heading in the right direction

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As with your whole body’s alignment, the position of your head can work for you or against you…


The many benefits of an aligned head

Exciting news! Aligning your head can prevent and reverse a double chin! The muscles of your neck will fall slack if the head is constantly jutting forward. This is how a double chin can creep up on you. It’s another example of something often attributed to being an inevitable part of the ageing process that is actually ...

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How to tone your waist with correct shoulder alignment

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Yes! There is something you can do that will not only tone your waist more throughout the whole day, but help to reduce tension and stress. It’s all in the alignment of your shoulder blades.


Our bodies respond to stress every single day. This is generally manifested as a tightening of muscles. There are some of us who are will always hold tension in the shoulders, specifically in the trapezius muscles right across the top of the shoulder. The result is ...

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It’s not the size that counts; it’s how you use it!

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It’s no secret that Callanetics exercises rapidly change and sculpt body shape. There is a common phase that happens to someone who regularly practices Callanetics: they get picky. This is when they’ve pulled in beyond their expectations and feel awesome with more energy and brightness to the skin…


This is when the pickiness can start. You feel like tweaking every little bit of your body. Your behind is higher than ever but now you want it higher. Your waist has pulled ...

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Your Mid-Year Stock Take: Are you on track to achieve your goals?

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Here we are in the middle of another year! What better time to take stock and check into those goals you set yourself at New Years. Are you on track?


Did you go too hard too soon?

When we make a change in our lives that we want to stick, sometimes it’s easier to make little changes until you are where you want to be. If you are an One step at a time to achieve ...</a></p><a class= Continue Reading →


Behind the Scenes…The Callanetics Journey

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I’m so excited this week! It’s all down to a collection of fat under my belly button!! No, I’m not crazy…I understand the process of Callanetics in action!


Let me explain. To me, one of the most exciting things about Callanetics exercises is that it’s impossible to plateau. There is a constant shifting of muscles, fat, tension and a gentle stirring throughout the body. This continues as long as you continue to workout.


My own progress is not unlike the experience of ...

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What To Do With Your Ah-Ha!

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Don’t you love those moments in life when the penny drops…you suddenly ‘get it’…you have an ‘ah-ha’ moment? Of course you do! They’re often met with a smile and you can’t help but be a bit pleased with yourself.


We can’t be thrilled all the time because, let’s be honest, it could be pretty tiring! So what do you do when the first thrill of your ah-ha fades? Here are some tips to make full use of your newly realised knowledge.



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