The Behind Sculpting Exercise You Can Do Anywhere

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Yes, I said anywhere! This little exercise is almost invisible to onlookers, needs no equipment and you can do it in a queue.


This will tone the muscles in the inner thighs, outer thighs and your behind.

So here it is!


Free Standing Behind and Thigh Sculptor


Stand with your feet together.


Turn your right foot out to a comfortable angle and allow the right knee to soften and bend slightly. You will look like you are just ‘standing around.’ At this point make ...

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Why you should never consider your workout hard work. Could this be the reason for your plateau?

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“Great class! Shall we go for coffee now?”


This happens so often. You workout and then you feel as if you deserve a little treat for all your hard work. Not to is your hard work leading to sweet rewards?mention, you are feeling so strong and full of energy that you’re convinced you must be immune to calories, so why not have a cake ...

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It’s not the size that counts; it’s how you use it!

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It’s no secret that Callanetics exercises rapidly change and sculpt body shape. There is a common phase that happens to someone who regularly practices Callanetics: they get picky. This is when they’ve pulled in beyond their expectations and feel awesome with more energy and brightness to the skin…


This is when the pickiness can start. You feel like tweaking every little bit of your body. Your behind is higher than ever but now you want it higher. Your waist has pulled ...

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When you need to just do it

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Thanks for stopping by and reading! Since you’re here, I’m guessing you practice Callanetics or want to know a bit more about it. You’re in the right place!


This week I want to give you the kindest and gentlest kick up the bum…sometimes we need to be challenged to rise up to our potential. Callanetics is very effective at toning and reshaping the body. That’s why we love, of course. It doesn’t happen by osmosis however. You get results from the ...

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Your Mid-Year Stock Take: Are you on track to achieve your goals?

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Here we are in the middle of another year! What better time to take stock and check into those goals you set yourself at New Years. Are you on track?


Did you go too hard too soon?

When we make a change in our lives that we want to stick, sometimes it’s easier to make little changes until you are where you want to be. If you are an One step at a time to achieve ...</a></p><a class= Continue Reading →


Oh Joy! 5 ways you can find joy every day

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We all know that being happy and content is good for our health. Finding joy is like supercharging your happiness to the next level. It’s an elevation that is contagious, not to mention makes you amazingly attractive. Here are five ways you can find joy everyday.


Be Present

I’ve talked about this before and it’s applicable to everything you do. Being present and mindful will mean you can focus and appreciate the little things. You will find joy when you enjoy a ...

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Behind the Scenes…The Callanetics Journey

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I’m so excited this week! It’s all down to a collection of fat under my belly button!! No, I’m not crazy…I understand the process of Callanetics in action!


Let me explain. To me, one of the most exciting things about Callanetics exercises is that it’s impossible to plateau. There is a constant shifting of muscles, fat, tension and a gentle stirring throughout the body. This continues as long as you continue to workout.


My own progress is not unlike the experience of ...

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What To Do With Your Ah-Ha!

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Don’t you love those moments in life when the penny drops…you suddenly ‘get it’…you have an ‘ah-ha’ moment? Of course you do! They’re often met with a smile and you can’t help but be a bit pleased with yourself.


We can’t be thrilled all the time because, let’s be honest, it could be pretty tiring! So what do you do when the first thrill of your ah-ha fades? Here are some tips to make full use of your newly realised knowledge.



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